Tuesday 3 July 2012

Best time to buy used caravans

For every product there is the best time in the year when you find them in their lowest price. This is true for used caravans as well. If you are buying a used caravan from dealer possibility of getting them cheap grows high in certain months. Now, when is the best time to buy them? Well surprisingly like business year (fiscal year), caravan dealers start up their new sale for caravans during the months of March, April and May. This is the time when they are indulged in delivering new caravans. Apart from these months dealers all through the year keep trying clear off their stock of old caravans for newly arrived models. 

Except March, April and May, any time is suitable to buy. However, the perfect time is around Christmas and new-year, often called dead period. This is due to the reason that dealers become desperate to sell off their old stock as it is the end of the year. Secondly, by this time dealers are free of rush of caravan deliveries. Hence they get enough time to concentrate on the sale of used caravans .

You will get a good range of choices and support of dealers who will be willing to arrange you a good deal for caravans. Moreover, booking in this season for service will be easier for you as most of the caravan owners need servicing for their one year old vans to maintain the warranty. Apart from offers and discounts you can also work out to bargain to get the best price. So the next time you plan to buy used caravans don’t forget the best time to refer!

Monday 2 July 2012

Are You Currently Looking At Caravans For Sale?

When you begin looking at caravans for sale, regardless of whether they are brand new or second hand, it can be a very exciting time – your dreams of travelling the open road or have having fun-filled budget family holidays have almost been realized, after all. There are a number of things that you should take into consideration before and during your shopping experience, however, and they include:
  • Speak with a person who works with caravans
    Don’t hesitate to ask questions (even if you feel like you’re interrogating them) and to ask for clarification on some of the finer details. Ask for advice about shopping for a caravan and listen to everything that they have to say.
  • Speak with people who own and live in caravans
    These people, after all, are the experts of the industry, as they live and breathe the lifestyle on a daily basis. These people are also unbiased, so will be willing to give you truthful answers to any questions or concerns that you may have.
  • Be meticulous in your inspections
    Make sure that you look over every inch of a caravan you are interested in, from the interior to the exterior. Damp is one of the biggest problems that you should be looking for (signs of mould and a musty smell are a good indicator).
Whilst these tips may seem to be pretty basic, they are the things that many first time hunters of caravans for sale tend to neglect (most likely due to the excitement of such a big decision). Making the right decision is entirely dependent on receiving the right advice – and the above tips are designed at achieving just that.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

What Is A Caravan Mover And How Does It Work?

Basically, a caravan mover is a powered device that helps people to move their vans into position. Unfortunately, many of the larger caravans out there can be very difficult to move, especially if you are forced to do so by yourself. A powered mover, however, will enable you to do this without subjecting your body to unnecessary strain.

There are currently a number of caravan movers on the market; some will be powerful enough to move a double axle van (weighing up to 2500kg) and others will only be powerful enough to move a single axle van weighing a considerably less amount. A lot of these movers now come fully equipped with a remote control making their operation easier than ever.

The way that these caravan movers work is also fairly simple – most of them include some form of smooth stop and start function that prevents your van from pitching forwards or backwards whilst it is moving; they are also powerful enough to move your caravan up and down slopes safely. These movers can also be used on pretty much every type of surface, including grit, snow, loose gravel and even muddy grass.

With the wide range of caravan movers on the market, prices do tend to vary and the phrase ‘you get what you pay for’ certainly rings true for these machines. A high quality mover will cost you a pretty penny, but it should last you for the lifetime of your caravan. As the technology used in these machines is constantly evolving, there are always new ones being released, so you might be able to get a bargain with an older model that suits your needs.

Hints For Buying A Used Caravan

A lot of people wrongly assume that buying a used caravan is not as big a decision as buying a brand new one – remember that you are still investing a considerable amount of money into this asset, and it could end up costing you more in the long run if you make the wrong choice. Use these hints to help ensure you are making the best used caravans choice for your needs:

  • Bed size – does it accommodate everyone who will be using them, from the tallest member of your family to the smallest? People will refrain from holidaying with you if they don’t get a good night’s sleep.
  • Cooking – many people prefer to cook inside their used caravans whilst others are happier to cook outside. This is important as, if you are a person who likes to cook inside, the quality of the kitchen space will be highly important.
  • Storage – take stock of all the items you will need to take with you on your caravan expeditions and, if you need a lot of storage, you should always opt for the functionality of the space rather than the style.
  • Layout – for many people, this is the defining point on whether they buy a used caravan or not. Do you want a separate bedroom area? Do you want an L-shaped couch or straight ones? And so on.

And, finally, the biggest hint for helping you to choose a used caravan that best suits your needs is to try before you buy. Whilst a lot of owners will not be happy with you taking their van away for a weekend, there are places from which you can rent caravans for a night or two. Why not try out one similar to what you’re considering buying?

Tuesday 1 May 2012

From where to buy caravans

If you are planning to buy caravan, don’t stop at your near buy showroom or dealer. Why to compromise your choice and price when you have so many choices around where you can get your van absolutely of your own choice? We are abandoned of such opportunities just because we lack the actual knowledge and end up compromising the choice of van model and cost. Here are some places from you can buy caravans of your choice.

Don’t miss shows: Shows are just a perfect place to buy caravans . If you look in around you will find that there are many open-air shows being organized all through the year and across the country. Hit any of those shows and you will discover all the latest layouts and styles to suit your taste. What more? Dealer’s sales men battle it out for orders, so you may get some great offers and discounts.

Check out Dealers: Dealers are the good options to caravans for sale but finding a reputed and reliable one can be a trouble. You can always use personal recommendations of your friends and your relatives to get the contact of right deals.

Buy Online:  There are many auction websites where you can buy caravan at really good price. But again reliability isn’t assured here. You will have to check by your own that whether seller is the actual owner of the caravan, if there is any outstanding credit due using checking services.

Read classified adverts: Many local newspapers and magazines have a column of classified adverts. Refer them and you will get a number of ads given by owners selling first hand and second hand caravans at attractive price. You can even bargain the price if you are cleaver to talk. Don’t forget to check their reliability. 

A Guide For Buying Your First Second Hand Caravan

Many people will recommend that, if you are buying a caravan for the first time, you buy a second hand one just to ensure that you like the lifestyle. You also have a number of options when it comes to buying a second hand caravan – from a local dealer to online auction websites to classified advertisements.

One of the main things that you should be aware of, however, when it comes to buying a second hand caravan is that there a number of risks associated with the decision. But if you use the following tips you are sure to purchase a caravan that is of good quality for being second hand:

  • Look for any signs of leaks. Can you see any water damage inside the caravans (such as a   discolouration on the walls or roof), can you see any damp patches (such as in cupboards and on the floor), and can you smell damp when you walk in?  
  •  Look for any signs of rust. The most common areas for corrosion to occur are in the chassis and the underneath of the caravan. You should also check for any new paint in these areas, as they could be hiding rust underneath.
  • Look for any problems with the appliances. Ensure that you can check each appliance for yourself and never rely on the word of the seller.   
  •  Look for evidence that the caravan has been serviced. Is the seller or dealer able to supply you with a logbook detailing the vans service history?
The easiest way to ensure that your second hand caravan is still in good working condition is to thoroughly inspect it, inside and out, before purchasing. In this way, you can ensure that you’re investment doesn’t turn out to be a dud.

Thursday 19 April 2012

When you should look for used caravans

For some people owning a caravans and sharing some fun with their family and friends is a like a dream. However, not all of them can meet their desire. Reasons can be various which restrict them to buy and the prime one is the cost. Caravans are no cheaper element that can be bought any time. You need to have a good sum of money to spend over it. If you are among those who are not buying this amazing vehicle just because of the shortage of the sufficient fun then you have a solution to this, i.e. used caravans. Used or second hand caravans are just an instant solution to your financial lacking. You can get myriads of options at cheaper rates through online shops. You simply need to grill internet.

Secondly, when you remember that you are not going to get any return from it, you get another reason to drop your plan. Often people prefer to invest rather to spend and buying a caravan is a lavish expenditure. If you think in the same way used caravans are an appropriate option for you. It will not eat away much of your money, yet will fulfill your desire. 

Moreover, you will come across all the varieties starting from basic models to luxury models equipped with all the amenities to choose from. Second hand caravan vehicle is simply a right option not just for those who are running out of their pocket, but also for those who are not willing to spend that high. Buying used caravans is very beneficial, it is just that you have to get it from a reliable source and be little cautious about the dealing.