Monday, 9 April 2012

Are You A Caravan Snob?

These days, there is a lot of snobbery surrounding caravans and parks, as well as the type of people who take their vans to such sites. There is a big emphasis on the cleanliness of the park, the facilities that are on offer and the hospitality shown by the park’s owners – caravan parks are even rated these days! Are you a caravan or park snob, or are you happy to park your van wherever you happen to end up?

When people visit a small caravan park, they can expect to encounter basic facilities – a chemical disposal point, a place to fill up water containers, and an electrical outlet. Some won’t even have a toilet or shower block on site. When people visit a larger caravan park, they can expect to encounter much more luxurious facilities – 2 or 3 toilet and shower blocks, a laundry, a games room, and maybe even a small store. Which park would you prefer to visit?

The snobbery surrounding caravanning has arisen due to the park’s desire to milk as much money out of you as possible and the competitiveness of humans in general – you will often find other caravanning enthusiasts who are intent on telling you why their van is so much better than yours, why their tow vehicle is so much better than yours, and so on.

Whilst there is nothing wrong with being a caravan snob, there are many caravan enthusiasts out there who find these people irritating and sort of at odds with the lifestyle. If you come across someone who does not seem to be reacting well to your comments, move on, otherwise, you will appear much more like the caravan snob that they are labeling you as.

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